About Me

Photo taken by Casey Wright

Chaz Campbell Evans

Every artist in the creative field has had an existential crisis at one point or another. What purpose do I have here? What is my true passion in life? How can I create to inspire? Who am I past the surface I present myself to be?  It’s these sorts of questions that I enjoy mulling over and figuring out the puzzle pieces that life throws my way. Not only does it allow me to understand a broader sense of what it means to exist, but it also allows me to be able to express ideas and thoughts through a medium I have a strong passion for to find possible answers.

When it comes to approaching projects, be it with writing or while in production, I try to be as objective as possible and allow the story to tell itself. The same questions I have asked about myself, I impose on characters and see how they react and decide the fate of the story. I often find that it’s the human experience in films that make them relatable and easy to connect with. Of course, none of that would be possible if the talent attached to the projects didn’t share the same passion to bring these characters to life. 

When I am not writing or working on a film project, I run a podcast, ‘Over & Under: Artists Exposed’, where I talk with artists about the highs and lows of pursuing art as a passion. All of the guests give insights to how their journey has brought them to the present moment. Not only is it interesting to hear their story, but it is also inspiring. I am also a co-host for ‘Gaggle of Geeks’ with Patrick Beatty where we talk about all things nerdy. Occasionally I’ll write film reviews for his site as well.